Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Advantages for Organizations using SmartDust

With the price of Smart dust on decline due to technology innovation, and its easy use and installation, applications of these sensors are seemingly without an end. “Smart dust has theoretical applications in virtually every field of science and industry”. Smart dust is being marketed for use in factories, homes, and public places and for commercial, military, medical, security, and ecological applications.

The U.S Military is using Smart Dust to develop an “advanced perimeter security system”. This system will help provide “persistent surveillance”. This system will be able to detect and track enemy movement in the military operation. Similarly Smart Dust technology is being used to provide low cost security systems to homes and offices.

Hospitals are also using Smart Dust technology to track the movement of their patients. This helps hospitals have constant surveillance of their patients and know exactly where they are.

Also, Smart Dust lends itself to energy saving initiatives. Now-a-days office buildings have hundreds of motes that sense light and temperature levels as well as determining when people walk in and out of a room. The Smart dust network would be able to detect when there is no one in the room and turn off the lights, or adjust the temperature when someone walks in the room. Many companies are using this technology to save costs.

Energy Company BP also uses Smart Dust technology to predict failures onboard machinery. “The firm placed, 160 motes near some of the ship’s equipment to measure things like vibration in the ship’s pumps, compressor and engines” The Smart Dust sensors are able to detect any unusual vibration or motion, and technicians would respond to any alert and fix the problem before it results in a serious condition.
As Smart dust technology become smaller, cheaper and longer lasting there is no doubt that more industries will incorporate this technology.

Click on the link below to watch a small video on the advantages of SmartDust:


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